Fleet Week SF

Finally is the day we get to go to the beach and spend it watching an air show.

For several days it has been impossible to watch were you go because you hear a Blue Angel above you. But it’s too late, it already passed you or got behind a building. Today it’s different story, we are not going to walk around but sit on the beach and enjoy the show.


There’s a lot of crowd and it’s not so easy to find the perfect spot.


Locals and visitors have prepared themselves accordingly. They have different kind of chairs to sit on, sun umbrellas, tents, shades, food and drinks.


And there’s numerous amount of photographers catching every flight, move, spinn etc.




Spinning down…



I know it’s big, but in low altitude…




Boeing over the bridge…












Campton Place Restaurant

Today we started early with some Cal-Indian for lunch at the two-Michelin-starred restaurant.

Campton Place Restaurant 2 Michelin stars

Chef Srijith Gopinathan

In 2011 Campton got it’s first star. During the next 5 years they worked to earn the second star. 2016 was the lucky year.

Price 39 $ (2 course) or 49 $ (3 course)

Reservations are strongly suggested for all meals (breakfast, lunch, brunch, dinner) in the restaurant.


Choosing the number of courses isn’t hard. Who can leave without having a dessert? Well, not us.

For Her:

  • Curried Shrimp Naan | Cherry Tomatoes, Black Rice and Onions
  • String Hoppers | Prawns, Seasonal Vegetables and Cashew Nut Broth
  • Chocolate & Figs | Black Mission Figs, Sourdough Ice Cream and Cocoa Nib

For Him:

  • Ahi Tuna Naan | Avocado, Radish and Chili-Lime Essence
  • Pacific King Salmon | Edamame, Grapefruit and Citrus Essence
  • Corn | Toasted Corn Mousse, Pickled Blueberries and Brown Butter

We have been in a few Indian places, and not loved them so much. So, when I got to know that Campton is Indian, I wasn’t very excited rather nervous. How so, that I didn’t know where are we going? It is the Mister who makes mainly these decisions. Usually I can trust him.

And we loved it.

The hole lunch was just a surprise after another. Starting with the elegant interior full of fresh flowers. Flavors are combined with care and love. Sensible use of spices where you can feel the origin of India and the freshness of California accompanied exceptional service to bring all together. The portions were in a good size for us – you are not packed totally full, you are able to go for a nice walk and enjoy the streets.

Little fire to lit your inner passion.


3 courses for her
3 courses for him

And what did we do afterwards… We went for a walk. To be more precise, we took about 7 hour walk in the Embarcadero area. Atleast that long my Polar M400 was able to track. 7 hours makes about 19 km, almost 26 000 steps. Are we a bit grazy? Probably. Actually you need just good shoes and even better company.

Have you seen the Hearts in SF? Perhaps even been searching them across the city… It’s a remarkable project.

In 2004 were installed the first 131 heart sculptures that were created by local Bay Area artists. For three months these hearts were displayed all over the city for the public and then auctioned to raise money for the SF General Hospital Foundation.

Year by year they have continued with it.

All sculptures are privately owned. Many of the Hearts are in easily discovered locations, others are at the homes of private individuals. Therefore there’s no official map of the artworks.

For a beautiful gallery of hearts through years you can check here.


When you walk along the street, you don’t see behind you. But when you see several colorful paperbags you may start spinning around – where are they coming from? Today the answer was Macy’s.


Who is the most Beaytiful?

The one in front of a mirror…





Mõni päev on hea alustada päeva suurepärase lõunaga. Kuigi peab ütlema, et seni pole selle mõtte alla india köök küll kuulunud. Seepärast on hea olla avatud meelega ja proovida uuesti. Oleks olnud väga kahju Camptonist teadmatuses olla.

Restoran sai oma esimese tähe aastal 2011. Teine täht lisandus peale 5-aastat tööd aastal 2016.

Mitte kõik tähtedega restoranid ei paku lõunat, ja eriti veel hommikusööki. Pigem on nad siiski õhtusöögi kohad, kus väga meeldivalt aega veeta.

Lõunal pakutakse kaht menüü varianti – 2 ja 3 käiguline. Meie jaoks on keeruline magustoiduta lahkuda, seepärast tuli valik 3-käigulise menüü kasuks. Seejärel tuli menüüst need 3 rooga välja valida. Portsjonid olid hea suurusega, ehk siis pärast söömist ei tahtnud magama heita, vaid läksime hoopis ranna äärde jalutama.

Hotelli tagasi jõudes olime maha kõndinud pea 19 km, mis tegi u 26 000 sammu ja 7 tundi. No vähemalt nii palju jaksas mu spordikell vastu pidada, tegelikult tuli natuke rohkem. Et siis meeles püsiks järgmine kord ka telefonis programm tööle panna.

Üle SF’i on laiali palju südameid. Täpsemalt südame skulptuure, mis on kaunistatud kohalike kunstnike poolt ja oksjonil heategevuse eesmärgil maha müüdud. Nii toetatakse SF haigla fondi tegevust 2004. aastast alates.

Kõik on eraomanduses. Enamus neist skulptuuridest on siiski avalikus ruumis ja kergesti leitavad linna pealt. Kuid on ka neid, mis ei ole laiale avalikkusele mõeldud ning seepärast ei ole ühtegi ametlikku kaarti skulptuuride asukohtadega. Et ennetada inimesi kellegi võõra aeda ronimast südamest pildi tegemiseks.

Galeriid südametest saab vaadata ka fondi lehel.